
'The solid strawberry in summer'

  • Mid-season variety
  • Medium red - glossy with good firmness
  • High grade 1 percentage
  • Stable in hot periods
  • Resistant to Phytophthora cactorum nd Rhizoctonia


Falco grows vigorously, which should be taken into account when inducing fl owers in autumn so as not to delay them. Falco is relatively undemanding when it comes to fertilization. Falco can be cultivated in all cultivation methods. The fruit stability, even in warm summer periods, is particularly interesting. Falco develops a limited number of fl owers per truss, but an average of 5 fl owers. The fruit weight is about 25g on average. The fi rst fruits can weigh up to 40g and more. A clear advantage of Falco is its resistance to Phytophthora cactorum and Rhizoctonia. When grown outdoors, Falco is resistant to powdery mildew. When growing in substrate gutters preventive mildew measures should be taken.


May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Strawberryplants varieties overview

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