
'The day neutral berry delight'

  • Excellent flavour
  • Vigorous growth
  • Glossy fruit, Elsanta colour
  • Good shelf life, reasonably rain tolerant
  • Resistant to root diseases and resistant to mildew


Favori requires good growing conditions in terms of soil (substrate) and temperature. The soil structure must be open and should not contain any wet spots. Favori is suitable for outdoor production also on raised bed systems. Favori grows vigorously in substrates, so plant density should be adjusted accordingly. We recommend a plant density of 5-8 plants per running meter. It is of crucial importance to maintain a good balance between the growth of leafs and fruit. The plant type and the time of planting have great influence on the harvesting period. Autumn planting with plug plants can lead to a harvest peak in spring. Frigo plants (March/April) come into production later and reach their peak in July/August. Early planting canbe viable, but the ground temperature must be minimum at 7-8°C. Outside temperature should be 10- 12°C. Lower temperature levels require fleece covering. During hot periods, Favori does not have much problems with fruit deformation.




May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Strawberryplants varieties overview

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  • Frigo A++
  • Fresh plug
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